


Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Municipality of Ruse: Plan for Development of Digital Communication Channels


The Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI) and the Municipality of Ruse announce a new initiative for the development of digital communication channels within the 'Invest in Ruse' initiative. The goal of this initiative is to strengthen and enhance the online platforms and social networks used for informing, engaging, and interacting with the target audience.

The new initiative aims to achieve the following key objectives:

  • Improve the presence and visibility of the initiative in the online space. This includes activity on social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and others, as well as maintaining a website and blog where users can find relevant and engaging information.
  • Expand the audience and increase the effectiveness of communication with stakeholders. Through regular publications and active interactions with users, the initiative will attract new followers and consolidate its relationships with existing ones.
  • Strengthen interaction with users through social networks and other digital channels. In addition to active postings, online events, campaigns, and surveys will be organized to stimulate engagement and gather valuable feedback and ideas.
  • Enhance the quality and relevance of the content offered through digital channels. By constantly researching trends and audience needs, the initiative will provide content that is informative, useful, and exciting for users.

The collaboration between RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse plays a key role in the successful implementation of the initiative. Together, the two organizations will work to improve the online presence of the initiative while simultaneously providing up-to-date and engaging content for users. Through shared resources and expertise, RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse will create a strong and sustainable digital strategy to support economic development and investment attraction in the region.

The next step in developing the digital communication channels of the initiative involves leveraging the experience and results of previous collaboration between RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse. The Investment Profile of the Municipality of Ruse, jointly prepared by the two organizations, presents the rich potential of Ruse for development and investment in various sectors such as industry, tourism, technology, and education. This document is a key tool for attracting investments and promoting business activity in the region. The latest two editions of the investment profile are the result of successful cooperation between RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse and serve as the basis for future activities to popularize investment opportunities in the region.

RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse invite all interested parties to join the initiative for the development of digital communication channels. Everyone who shares the vision for the development of Ruse and is ready to contribute with their skills and ideas is welcome to participate. With the new initiative for the development of digital communication channels, RCCI and the Municipality of Ruse will solidify their position as leading figures in the virtual space while facilitating their connection with the community and stakeholders.

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© Photos: Yavor Michev