


Presentation of the Joint Marketing Strategy for the Ruse-Giurgiu Tourist Route


Project Name: ROBG-424 "Reconstruction and display of iconic cultural sites with high tourism potential in the Euroregion Ruse-Giurgiu"

Tourism is one of the main drivers of economic development in the cross-border region of Ruse-Giurgiu. To promote tourism and increase visits to cultural and historical sites, a joint marketing strategy was developed, featuring a unified branding and promotion of the tourist route "One River, Two Inspiring Communities, One Proud History."

What Does the Strategy Include?

The strategy was developed as part of the ROBG-424 project, funded by the INTERREG V-A Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme. The primary objective is to enhance the tourist appeal of the region by creating an integrated tourist product that combines the cultural and historical heritage of both cities.

Key Highlights:

  • Marketing Concept: The goal is to promote tourist sites through a shared brand and advertising campaigns that emphasize the region's cultural identity.
  • Tourist Route**: It includes 27 cultural and historical landmarks located in Ruse and Giurgiu, with a focus on the Pantheon of National Revival Heroes in Ruse and the Mircea the Elder Fortress in Giurgiu.
  • Sustainable Development: The project aims to promote eco-sustainable tourism and the preservation of cultural heritage.
  • Target Audience: Segmentation of tourist groups and a focus on markets with the potential to attract tourists from both Bulgaria and Romania.

The project lays the foundation for economic growth and sustainable development in the region by focusing on cultural tourism and historical routes.

Read more and download the full document here: [Joint Marketing Strategy].

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