


Industrial Park LVZ - Ruse: A Key Project for the Region's Future


On July 25, 2024, the project for Industrial Park LVZ - Ruse was announced as approved, being part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The project received funding of 26 million BGN from the Ministry of Innovation and Growth (MIG). This project ranked first in the procedure for developing industrial zones and parks, highlighting its importance for the region.

Support from the State and Local Authorities

The Minister of Innovation and Growth, Assoc. Prof. Rosen Karadimov, emphasized that Ruse has managed to preserve its industrial character and is one of the leading industrial centers in Bulgaria. He stated that reindustrialization is key for the country's future, and industrial parks will play a significant role in attracting investors, creating new jobs, and stimulating innovations.

Main Activities and Infrastructure Improvements

The project for Industrial Park LVZ includes the construction of a modern industrial park on the site of the old locomotive and wagon repair plant in the Eastern Industrial Zone of Ruse. The main activities include:

  • Reconstruction and construction of infrastructure, a new street network, and repair of the overpass over the railway line.
  • Renovation of the LVZ bridge and the road connections to Pliska Street and Dorostol Street.
  • Development of green areas under the facility and establishment of a public transport stop and parking lot.
  • Construction of a new road allowing heavy traffic to exit directly from LVZ to Tutrakan Blvd. towards the Danube Bridge border crossing.

Support for Innovation and Research Activities

The project includes the creation of a Research and Development Center in collaboration with the Angel Kanchev University of Ruse. This will provide opportunities for innovation and technological advancement in the region, fostering collaboration between businesses and academic institutions.

Impact on the Local Economy and Business Community

The Industrial Park LVZ project has the potential to transform the region by attracting high-tech investors and creating new jobs. This will help to overcome regional imbalances and provide new opportunities for local businesses. The participation of companies such as Bulmarket GROUP underscores the importance of this project for the economic development of Ruse.


The Industrial Park LVZ project is crucial for the region's future and represents a successful collaboration between the state, local authorities, and businesses. The creation of a modern, high-tech industrial park will stimulate innovation and economic growth, providing new opportunities for the local community and investors.


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© Photos: Yavor Michev